Newcastle LOVES Mamma Mia! the musical

Director Erin James and her production of Mamma Mia! Newcastle have enjoyed standing ovations every night of the show’s extended Civic Theatre season this month. Starring Rachelle Schmidt Adnum and Phoebe Bayliss as Donna and Sophie Sheridan, this brand new production of the smash hit ABBA musical has seen punters dancing in the aisles, making […]

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She Loves Me at Hayes Theatre Co marks Erin James’ directorial debut

The delightful romantic comedy, She Loves Me, will be playing later this year at Hayes Theatre Co, directed by Erin James. Chosen for the inaugural Artist Led Production Initiative, this feel-good musical will charm audiences at the Pott’s Point venue from 24 August 2018. She Loves Me is based on Miklos Laszlo’s original stage play […]

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